August 25, 2002
Is this a new beginning

This page has been a total mess the last year. I think I'll just remove all those old posts from the front page and try to start again.

It does seem appropriate, since I'm now back in Iceland and some of the people I know around the world may (or may not) be interested in reading about what I'm up to here on my favorite island.

So, I hope this will be the beginning of something great. Hah!!

I'll try to update as often as I can with interesting stories about my life, rants about politics and links to interesting stuff on the web.

Heræfingar á Múrnum

Þeir á Múrnum þreytast seint á því að skrifa um Bandaríkin. Í dag skrifar KJ grein um hernaðaræfingar Bandaríkjanna.

Það er nokkuð gaman að velta sér uppúr þessum æfingum. Á þessari æfingu þá átti bandaríski herinn að berjast við ófullkominn (tæknilega séð) her í landi, sem líktist Írak. Gömlum bandarískum hershöfðingja, sem stjórnaði óvinahernum, tókst hins vegar oft að snúa á hinn tæknivædda bandaríska her. Það er greinilegt að snjallir hershöfðingjar geta enn ráðið miklu í stríði, jafnvel við hátæknivædda heri. Sem dæmi um þetta þá er sagt frá atviki í grein The Guardian.

He sent orders with motorcycle couriers to evade sophisticated electronic eavesdropping equipment. When the US fleet sailed into the Gulf, he instructed his small boats and planes to move around in apparently aimless circles before launching a surprise attack which sank a substantial part of the US navy. The war game had to be stopped and the American ships "refloated" so that the US forces stood a chance.

Það er ljóst að bandaríkjamenn hafa nú kennt Saddam nokkrar nýjar hugmyndir til að beita gegn þeim.

Annars er myndin tekin úr skemmtilegri grein í The Onion: Gulf War 2: The Vengeance

October 29, 2001
Damn Yankees! A guy in

Damn Yankees!

A guy in my econ class has been wearing his Yankees baseball cap every day of class this fall. Then suddenly today, he changed his cap and was sporting a Northwestern cap.

I think we can thank Randy Johnson for that! My girlfriend doesn't think Randy is cute! I don't know why.

October 19, 2001
Is this an update? Boy,

Is this an update?

Boy, I really haven't been writing anything here lately. Times were really nice the last time I updated. The Cubs were leading the National League, it was 90 degrees outside and I didn't have to study on weekends.

It's all been downhill since then. It's getting cold outside, I have tons of work to do this weekend and my Cubs didn't even make the playoffs. Here's a list of MLB teams I hate: Astros, Cardinals, Yankees. Sigh!

July 27, 2001
July 12, 2001
I think this is funny.

I think this is funny.

Is Dick Cheney dead yet?

July 06, 2001
Last couple of days Hildur

Last couple of days Hildur and I have been three times to the Taste of Chicago and I must say, I love this festival. Every time we've been there we have been trying dishes from different restaurants. Most restaurants offer you a "taste portion", which costs a dollar, so you can taste a wide variety of foods.

Grant Park has been pretty crowded, especially on the 3rd and 4th of July, but it wasn't too bad. A lot of people had been sayin it would be hell down there because of the crowds, but I really thought it was great.

June 14, 2001
The weather here in Chicago

The weather here in Chicago is pretty amazing. Just a week ago I was studying for my finals. Everyday when I woke up it was so cold that I had to wear a couple of fleece sweaters, because our radiator wasn't working.

And today, a week later, it was 99 degrees outside and I got stuck in traffic. My awesome Geo Metro doesn't have AC, so it's pretty horrible. It's so hot, that I'm jelaous and annoyed at all the other people who have AC in their huge SUV's. Well, at least I'm helping the environment a bit.

May 30, 2001
What a country. Even the

What a country. Even the president's daughter can't buy beer.

May 15, 2001
I'm going to the U2

I'm going to the U2 show at the United Center in about 2 hours. It has been extremely difficult to do math today. Can't stop thinking about the concert. Differential equations just don't match the excitement of a U2 concert.

August 2002
Sun Mán Þri Mið Fim Fös Lau
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Is this a new beginning
Heræfingar á Múrnum
Damn Yankees! A guy in
Is this an update? Boy,
I think this is funny.
Last couple of days Hildur
The weather here in Chicago
What a country. Even the
I'm going to the U2

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