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Fyrsti kossinn...

ágúst 11, 2003

Vá mağur, şetta par toppar allt. Şau ætla ağ bíğa şangağ til ağ şau gifta sig til ağ kyssast í fyrsta sinn!!!

Hérna er lısing á hvernig sambandiğ şeirra byrjaği

"I did have some emotion for her, not a lot," said Burwell, who owns a custom-cabinet business in Maple Valley. "But I knew deep down that this was the person God wanted me to have."

They agreed to date, and they both admit the first month and a half was something of an effort.

"God just opened our hearts and we really began to fall in love," said Merry, who wears a silver cross around her neck and has "JESUS" written on block letters on her key chain. "It was January of this year that everything just exploded and just changed. And we were both filled with a deep sense of love for each other."


"The only lady I've kissed is my mom," said Burwell, whose father is a pastor. "To me, the first kiss is one of the most precious gifts I can give away, and it's something I'll only give my wife."


They do hold hands. And their fingers are often interlaced during their premarital sessions with their pastor, associate pastor and counselor. But that's where their physical contact ends.

Şau hafa heldur ekki fağmast. Enda vita allir ağ şağ er synd ağ fağma!

Einar Örn uppfærği kl. 22:09 | 229 Orğ | Flokkur: Netiğ

Ummæli (2)

ooooh eins og şağ er gaman ağ kyssa :-)

katrín sendi inn - 11.08.03 23:37 - (Ummæli #1)

já şetta er alveg hroğaleg synd verğ ég ağ segja! :-)

ers sendi inn - 11.08.03 23:54 - (Ummæli #2)

Ummælum hefur veriğ lokağ fyrir şessa færslu