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Á leið til útlanda

maí 08, 2004

Ég er að fara til Spánar á morgun. Á flug til London og þaðan til Bilbao. Þar verð ég á fundi allan mánudaginn, en mun hafa þriðjudaginn lausan og ætla m.a. að kíkja á Guggenheim safnið þar í borg.

Á miðvikudaginn á ég svo að fljúga til Barcelona, þar sem ég mun sitja þriggja daga söluráðstefnu fram á föstudag. Ég ætla svo að framlengja ferðina yfir helgina og vera í smá fríi í Barcelona fram á mánudag þegar ég fer væntanlega á annan fund og flýg svo heim um kvöldið.

Fótboltalið Barcelona er að spila á sunnudaginn á Nou Camp og stefni ég á að reyna að fá miða. Ég mun ábyggilega reyna að komast eitthvað í tölvu í ferðinni og skrifa eitthvað næstu viku.

125 Orð | Ummæli (1) | Flokkur: Dagbók

Bill Simmons, O.C. og Friends

maí 08, 2004

Bill Simmons, sem á öllu jöfnu að skrifa um íþróttir fyrir ESPN er með nýjan pistil í dag, þar sem hann fjallar um Friends og The O.C. (nota bene, pistillinn talar um innihald síðasta Friends þáttarins, en ég ætla ekki að fjalla um hann).

Ég er nær alltaf sammála Bill um val hans á sjónvarpsþáttum og þess vegna fannst mér pistillinn áhugaverður. Fyrst nokkrir góðir punktar um Friends, sem er að mínu mati einn ofmetnasti grínþáttur í heimi:

People were calling “Friends” the “last great sitcom” this week, begging an obvious follow-up question: “Friends” was a great sitcom?

Really? For a TV show to be great, don’t women and men have to watch it? I don’t know any guys who watch “Friends.” (Hey, they might be out there, I just haven’t met them.) Thinking about a guy watching “Friends” always makes me think of that Seinfeld episode when George gets back with Susan, then realizes he can’t get out, and the show ends with them watching “Mad About You” together as she looks happy and he looks like he might throw up at any second.

Nákvæmlega! Ég horfi á Friends, en það er aldrei með neinum sérstökum áhuga. Friends hefur aldrei komist nálægt þáttum einsog Seinfeld, Cheers o.s.frv. að mínu áliti. Samt tala allir einsog þetta sé besti grínþáttur ever. Bill Simmons talar um hversu góður þátturinn var í upphafi (þetta voru jú einu sinni helvíti góðir þættir).

The first sign of trouble happened at the start of Season Two, when Rachel realized that Ross was in love with her, planned on reciprocating … and he came back from China with an astonishingly average-looking new girlfriend. So Rachel spent a few episodes pining for him — which was outrageous, since she could have had anybody, but she was settling for this horse-faced doofus — and he was too dumb to notice. When he finally realized what happened, we had an old-fashioned love triangle on our hands, which Ross attempted to solve — with the help of his buddies — by making a pro-con list, which Rachel somehow stumbled across. Eventually they ended up together.

Three problems here:
1.) Nobody would ever debate between two women if one of them looks like Jennifer Aniston. Not even for a millisecond. Not even for a split-second of a millisecond.
2.) No female would ever forgive a guy for making a pro-con list that included mean comments about them. It would never happen. It would never, EVER happen.
3.) More importantly, this is a freaking sitcom! Who cares? Make me laugh!

To everyone’s eternal horror, “Friends” had evolved into a Chick Show (the dreaded cousin to the Chick Flick). Episodes revolved around Ross and Rachel’s on-again/off-again romance, or Monica dating Tom Selleck, or some B-list celebrity making a cameo. Meanwhile, Matthew Perry was losing weight at warp speed and taking all the comedy with him. Suddenly, male characters were confessing “I love you” while the studio audience went bonkers — just a room full of females shrieking in delight, like one of those Oprah episodes where Oprah gives away blenders to the entire audience

Og Simmons heldur áfram

There are certain codes that guys live by. I’ve mentioned many of them in this space over the years — stuff like “If you’re sharing a bed with someone in Vegas, make sure you remain at least two feet apart at all times,” and “If your buddy’s team loses an especially tough game, you can’t call him to make fun of him under any circumstances.” But there are three codes that supercede all others. Here they are:

1.) You can’t be attracted to your buddy’s sister.
2.) You can’t be attracted to your buddy’s girlfriend.
3.) You can’t be attracted to your buddy’s ex-girlfriend if he had genuine feelings for her.

Those three codes are non-negotiable. So when Chandler fell in love with Joey’s girlfriend … I mean, that’s it. As Charles Barkley would say, first of all, they can’t be friends no mo’. Joey ain’t forgivin’ nothin’ like that. And No. 2, I can’t like Chandler no mo’.

Nákvæmlega. Ég er svooo sammála Simmons í öllu þessu.

Well, they lost me. I trickled back for more punishment during the Chandler-Monica thing, became repulsed as Chandler turned into a whipped, emasculated parody of himself (it’s bad enough dealing with friends like this in real life, isn’t it?) [HA HA HA HA! innsk. Einar Örn], then quit cold turkey when Joey fell for Rachel. They did it again! Rachel was Ross’s girl! He had been in love with her for like 10 years! She was pregnant with his kid, for God’s sake! And they have the nerve to call the show “Friends.

Ég veit að einhverjir eiga eftir að hneykslast á mér, en mér finnst Friends bara ekkert spes þættir. Ég horfði alltaf á þá þegar ég var í sambúð, en eftir að því lauk þá hef ég aldrei verið sérstaklega spenntur fyrir þáttunum. Hef horft á þá, því það er einfaldlega aldrei neitt almennilegt í sjónvarpinu hér á landi. Þegar ég bjó útí Bandaríkjunum horfði enginn af mínum vinum á Friends. Hérna heima eru allir að fríka út. Fólk downloadar þessu af internetinu og allt. Hvað er í gangi?

Joey og Chandler hafa ekki verið fyndnir í 5 ár, Ross er óþolandi og Monica líka. Eina almennilega við þessa þætti er hversu hrikalega sæt Jennifer Aniston er.

Allavegana, seinni hluti pistilsins fjallar svo um the O.C., sem Simmons hrósar í hástert og segir verðugan arftaka Beverly Hills 90210. Ég nefnilega fílaði 90210. Maður verður að hafa ákveðinn húmor fyrir slíkum þáttum og allri vitleysunni. Þess vegna er ég orðinn dálítið forvitinn, því ég hef hingað til haldið að the O.C. væri rusl. Þetta er sennilega rusl, en spurningin er: Er þetta gott rusl? Á ég kannski að gefa O.C. sjens? Er einhver að ennþá að lesa þessa grein? :-)

986 Orð | Ummæli (9) | Flokkur: Sjónvarp


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