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Ţér skuluđ ekki ná í lög ólöglega

júlí 03, 2003

Ţetta er skondin frétt (via Boing Boing)

Samkvćmt henni ţá hefur sala á kristilegri tónlist dregist saman um 11% á međan ađ sala á annarri tónlist hefur dregist saman um 8%. Ţađ virđist vera sem ađ strangtrúađir séu duglegri en ađrir ađ ná sér í tónlist ólöglega.

But as the Rev. Paul Durham, pastor of Nashville's Radnor Baptist Church, points out, many Christian-music listeners think of file-swapping as sharing God's message. "It's like a ministry," he says. That's how Marlee Welsh, 18, of Bethesda, Md., sees it. "You're supposed to receive and spread God's word," she says, "and by that I don't think downloading is stealing." Darren Whitehead, youth minister at the People's Church in Franklin, Tenn., questions the morality of file sharing, but he hopes that "spreading the Gospel takes priority for the music companies over profit--assuming that they're Christian."
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