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Hjónabönd samkynhneigðra í Bandaríkjunum

febrúar 24, 2004

Ein ástæða í viðbót til að hata íhaldsmenn:

"After more than two centuries of American jurisprudence and millennia of human experience, a few judges and local authorities are presuming to change the most fundamental institution of civilization"


"On a matter of such importance, the voice of the people must be heard. Activist courts have left the people with one recourse. If we're to prevent the meaning of marriage from being changed forever, our nation must enact a constitutional amendment to protect marriage in America. Decisive and democratic action is needed because attempts to redefine marriage in a single state or city could have serious consequences throughout the country."

Einsog allir vita mun heimurinn auðvitað farast ef við látum frjálslyndi ráða og veitum samkynhneigðum sömu réttindi okkur hinum. Bush ætlar að setja misrétti inní sjálfa stjórnarskrá Bandaríkjanna með því að banna samkynhneigðum að ganga í hjónaband. Þvílíkur sorgardagur það yrði ef honum og íhaldsbjánunum sem styðja hann tækist það.

Það besta við þetta allt er að dóttir Dick Cheney er lesbía. Hann hefur hins vegar lítið tjáð sig um þetta mál. Áhugasamir geta sent Mary, dóttur Cheney bréf og hvatt hana til að skipta sér af málinu.

Talsmaður demókrata orðaði þetta nokkuð vel:

"It is wrong to write discrimination into the U.S. Constitution, and it is shameful to use attacks against gay and lesbian families as an election strategy. It appears that the conservative compassion he [Bush] promised to deliver in 2000 has now officially run out."

Það er náttúrulega með hreinum ólíkindum að ráðast að réttindum samkynhneigðra til þess eins að tryggja sér atkvæði fyrir kosningar. Bush hefur enn á ný opinberað sig sem fordómafullann mann, sem hikar nú ekki við að bæta misréttti inní stjórnarskrá. Nánast allar viðbætur við stjórnarskrána hafa tekið mið af því að auka réttindi fólksins. Bush ætlar greinilega að snúa þeirri þróun við. Ef ég hefði haft álit á GWBush fyrir, þá væri það horfið núna.

Andrew Sullivan, samkynhneigður hægrimaður orðar þetta listilega:

This president wants our families denied civil protection and civil acknowledgment. He wants us stigmatized not just by a law, not just by his inability even to call us by name, not by his minions on the religious right. He wants us stigmatized in the very founding document of America. There can be no more profound attack on a minority in the United States - or on the promise of freedom that America represents. That very tactic is so shocking in its prejudice, so clear in its intent, so extreme in its implications that it leaves people of good will little lee-way. This president has now made the Republican party an emblem of exclusion and division and intolerance. Gay people will now regard it as their enemy for generations - and rightly so. I knew this was coming, but the way in which it has been delivered and the actual fact of its occurrence is so deeply depressing it is still hard to absorb.


This struggle is hard but it is also easy. The president has made it easy. He's a simple man and he divides the world into friends and foes. He has now made a whole group of Americans - and their families and their friends - his enemy. We have no alternative but to defend ourselves and our families from this attack. And we will.

breytt: lagaði málfarsvillu samkvæmt ábendingu

564 Orð | Ummæli (6) | Flokkur: Stjórnmál


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