Pippen og Kobe

Fyrir þá, sem hafa ennþá áhuga á NBA deildinni, þá er ýmislegt athyglisvert að gerast. Til dæmis er Scottie Pippen kominn aftur til uppáhaldsliðsins míns, Chicago Bulls. Sam Smith skrifar góðan pistil um málið en hann telur að þetta sé góðar fréttir fyrir Chicago.

Kobe Bryant hélt blaðamannafund, þar sem hann viðurkenndi að hafa haldið framhjá eiginkonu sinni. Jay Mariotti, sem er einn virtasti körfuboltaspekúlant í Bandaríkjunum skrifar reiðipistil um blaðamannafundinn og hegðun Kobe: Is this Laker a faker?

Tony Kornheiser skrifar líka um Kobe í Washington Post: The Truth Lies in the Unknown. Úr þeim pistli:

The shock today is not that an athlete is being charged with sexual assault. We have seen that before. The shock is that it’s Kobe Bryant.

He is not Mike Tyson, who has a history of violent episodes. He is not Allen Iverson, who has a well-massaged reputation for living “the street life.” He is not Chris Webber, who seems incapable of telling the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. He is not Rod Strickland or Damon Stoudamire or any number of Portland Trail Blazers players who seem to spend so much time in jail it’s like they’re on a meal plan there. No, Kobe Bryant seemed to be far better than them.