Tvær góðar greinar um Liverpool:
Why Le Tallec will be our Ronaldo
When Manchester United do it, it’s a stroke of transfer genius.
According to everyone who they make listen, United have just signed the best teenager in the world. By God are we hearing about it.
I’m not doubting Ronaldo’s abilities. Clearly he’s a talented kid who may be on the threshold of greatness. It just strikes me as rather odd that no-one has given the same attention to Liverpool’s equally stunning new teenage recruit.
It seems Gerard Houllier’s mistake with Anthony Le Tallec was to buy him early rather than delay until everyone in Europe wanted him. Obviously, Liverpool should have waited until Le Tallec’s value was £12m.
Soon enough, the rest of the nation will wake up to the fact Le Tallec and Ronaldo played in the same world youth championships not so long ago and it was the Liverpool new boy who was voted the best player.
Djöfull hlakkar mig til að sjá Le Tallec spila í alvöru leik!
Önnur góð grein um leikinn á sunnudag:
Why can’t Houllier see it? Allt, sem ég hefði viljað segja um sunnudaginn. Alex Malone er snilldar pistlahöfundur!
This is the first time I can remember it being like this in my 38 years of supporting the club. Of being nervous and concerned, not just during the game, but even about who is going to play, and in what position they will play. Yes, I actually nervously await the team sheet!
Gæti ekki verið meira sammála. Ég fór á netið að minnsta kosti 10 sinnum á sunnudaginn til að sjá hvort liðsuppstillingin væri komin. Þvílík vonbrigði að sjá að Baros, Diouf og Le Tallec voru á bekknum á meðan að Heskey, Biscan og Cheyrou byrjuðu inná.
Ok, ég er farinn. Skrifa vonandi eitthvað frá Frakklandi og Rússlandi 🙂