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febrúar 6, 2006

Ţađ er magnađ ađ hugsa til ţess ađ ţrátt fyrir milljón fréttir og fréttamyndir af mótmćlum múslima um allan heim, ţá hefur engin fréttastofa (ađ ţví minnsta ekki svo ég hef séđ) tekiđ fyrir af hverju múslimar eru brjálađir akkúrat núna.

Á Dailykos, sem er bandarískur vinstri-vefur (vinstri, ţá á bandaríska vísu - semsagt demókratar), er ágćtis samantekt á ţví hvernig ţessi vitleysa öll byrjađi. Ţrátt fyrir ađ mér hafi fundist asnalegt ađ leggja til ađ myndum af Múhameđ sé dreift bara til ađ sýna ađ viđ getum gert ţađ, líkt og Egill Helga gerđi, ţá ţýđir ţađ ekki ađ mér eitthvađ vit vera í viđbrögđum múslima. Allavegana ađ greininni. Upptökin á ţessu eru í hinu skemmtilega landi Sádí Arabíu:

The most recent Hajj (pílagrímaferđ til Mekka) occurred during the first half of January 2006, precisely when the “outrage” over the Danish cartoons began in earnest. There were a number of stampedes, called “tragedies” in the press, during the Hajj which killed several hundred pilgrims. I say “tragedies” in quotation marks because there have been similar “tragedies” during the Hajj and each time, the Saudi government promises to improve security and facilitation of movement to avoid these. Over 251 pilgrims were killed during the 2004 Hajj alone in the same area as the one that killed 350 pilgrims in 2006. These were not unavoidable accidents, they were the results of poor planning by the Saudi government.

And while the deaths of these pilgrims was a mere blip on the traditional western media’s radar, it was a huge story in the Muslim world. Most of the pilgrims who were killed came from poorer countries such as Pakistan, where the Hajj is a very big story. Even the most objective news stories were suddenly casting Saudi Arabia in a very bad light and they decided to do something about it.

Their plan was to go on a major offensive against the Danish cartoons. The 350 pilgrims were killed on January 12 and soon after, Saudi newspapers (which are all controlled by the state) began running up to 4 articles per day condemning the Danish cartoons. The Saudi government asked for a formal apology from Denmark. When that was not forthcoming, they began calling for world-wide protests. After two weeks of this, the Libyans decided to close their embassy in Denmark. Then there was an attack on the Danish embassy in Indonesia. And that was followed by attacks on the embassies in Syria and then Lebanon.

Svar múslíma viđ teikningunum: Jú, auđvitađ: Gerum lítiđ úr helförinni.

Andrew Sullivan kemur svo međ ágćtt kvót um ţetta mál í pistli í Time: Your taboo, not mine.

“Muslim leaders say the cartoons are not just offensive. They’re blasphemy—the mother of all offenses. That’s because Islam forbids any visual depiction of the Prophet, even benign ones. Should non-Muslims respect this taboo? I see no reason why. You can respect a religion without honoring its taboos. I eat pork, and I’m not an anti-Semite. As a Catholic, I don’t expect atheists to genuflect before an altar. If violating a taboo is necessary to illustrate a political point, then the call is an easy one. Freedom means learning to deal with being offended.”

Já, og ţessi myndasaga segir allt, sem segja ţarf.

542 Orđ | Ummćli (7) | Flokkur: Stjórnmál


febrúar 6, 2006

Getur einhver fróđur útskýrt af hverju ég hef fengiđ 30 heimsóknir frá ţessari síđu. Er ţetta spam, eđa var veriđ ađ tala um síđuna mína á World of Warcraft spjallborđi? Ég sé ekkert á sjálfri síđunni. Ansi furđulegt.

38 Orđ | Ummćli (5) | Flokkur: Netiđ

Superbowl auglýsingar

febrúar 6, 2006

Á Google Videos er hćgt ađ nálgast allar auglýsingarnar, sem sýndar voru í Superbowl í gćr. Mćli međ ţessu.

Bestu auglýsingarnar eru án efa Bud Light auglýsingarnar:

On the roof
Secret Fridge
Save Yourself
Hidden Bud Light

Á erfitt međ ađ gera upp á milli ţeirra, en Secret Fridge er ađ mínu mati fyndnust.

54 Orđ | Ummćli (0) | Flokkur: Sjónvarp


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